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2025-01-05 10:59:02
本文摘要:Amazon.com isn’t just a place to get books, music and other products that roll off assembly lines or stream online.亚马逊(Amazon.com)仍然意味着是一个可以在线出售图书、音乐或其他流水线上生产出来的产品的网站。Amazon.com isn’t just a place to get books, music and other products that roll off assembly lines or stream online.亚马逊(Amazon.com)仍然意味着是一个可以在线出售图书、音乐或其他流水线上生产出来的产品的网站。Amazon said Monday that online shoppers will now be able to buy 3D printed products on-demand from a list of 200 different items like bobblehead dolls, miniature plastic swords and pet ID tags. The technology lets people customize their orders beyond what has been previously been possible on the online retailing site including bobbleheads made to look like family and friends.周一,亚马逊宣告,消费者现在可以自定义200种有所不同的3D打印机产品,如大笑娃娃、微型塑料剑和宠物名牌等。这项技术使消费者可以自定义自己的订单,仍然局限于网站现售的商品。比如说,你可以根据家人和朋友的形象,订做大笑娃娃。
“The introduction of our 3D Printed Products store suggests the beginnings of a shift in online retail – that manufacturing can be more nimble to provide an immersive customer experience,” Petra Schindler-Carter, director for Amazon’s marketplace sales, said in a statement.亚马逊市场销售总监皮特拉o辛德勒-卡特在一份声明中回应:“发售3D打印机产品商店,意味著在线零售开始一项根本性改变——在生产过程可以更加敏捷地获取浸泡式客户体验。”Amazon doesn’t actually handle the printing. Rather, it’s done by Mixee Labs, a company specialized in selling plastic 3D printed nicknacks. Products available through the partnership aren’t cheap. A 3D printed bobblehead costs $30 compared with versions made on an assembly line that cost around $12.亚马逊本身不负责管理打印机。这项工作由专门出售塑料3D打印机装饰品的公司Mixee Labs已完成。双方合作发售的产品并不低廉。
一个3D打印机的大笑娃娃价格为30美元,而流水线生产的同类产品价格大约为12美元。Moreover, anyone who wants speedy shipping is out of luck. Orders through Amazon for 3D products can take up to ten business days to fill.此外,期望能很快接到商品的消费者有可能要沮丧了。通过亚马逊采购的3D打印机产品,必须十个工作日才能递送。
Amazon’s partnership with Mixee comes long after other businesses like MakerBot and Shapeways have started selling 3D printed products to the public, according to Tim Shepherd, senior analyst at Canalys who is focused on the 3D printing industry. But Amazon’s big name and reach makes it an immediate force in the niche.市场研究公司Canalys的资深分析师蒂姆o谢佛德长年注目3D打印机行业。他回应,在亚马逊与Mixee开始合作之前,有许多公司早就开始向大众出售3D打印机产品,例如3D打印机制造商MakerBot和3D打印机公司Shapeways等。但亚马逊品牌和强劲的影响力,使其沦为该利基市场的一支必要推展力量。“Amazon is a huge name in online retail,” Shepherd said. “It opens the channels to a mass market.”谢佛德说:“亚马逊是在线零售行业巨头。
它关上了转入大众市场的渠道。”In general, there’s big potential for 3D printing in the consumer and retail space, he said. It’s already commonplace in industrial design including in auto making, in which 3D printers are used to make molds for parts.他说道,总体而言,3D打印机在消费者零售市场有极大的潜力。在汽车生产等工业设计领域,3D打印机早就获得广泛应用,3D打印机可以用作制作零件模具。“Most of the market, in value terms, has been driven by the enterprise space to create industrial models, printing models for architecture,” Shepherd said.“从价值上来说,3D打印机市场长期以来相当大程度上是由企业驱动的——公司利用这一技术来制作工业模型或建筑模型”。
By introducing 3D printing, Amazon is letting more people see what the technology can do. But because customers can’t see the printing in action, some of the novelty is lost.通过发售3D打印机产品,亚马逊让更加多人看见了这项技术的辽阔用途。但由于消费者看到打印机过程,因此3D打印机产品的新奇性也不会大打折扣。“There is this feeling of watching something get created, and this isn’t going to provide that in the same way,” Shepherd said. But he added that “it’s going to get people more excited” and potentially encourage them to buy and 3D printer to use in their own garage.谢佛德说道:“人们期望看见一件作品的创作过程,但亚马逊的模式无法符合消费者的这种好奇心。
”不过,他补足道:“亚马逊不会让人们对3D打印机技术更为激动,”可能会希望人们出售3D打印机,在自己的车库里用于。And how about those small 3D printing shops cropping up around the U.S.? Amazon’s move won’t likely have the same impact that it has had in pushing out small book shops, Shepherd predicted. “I don’t think it’s going to have a negative impact at all.”那么,对于美国如雨后春笋般经常出现的小型3D打印机店,亚马逊的措施又意味著什么?谢佛德预测,亚马逊的新举措会产生与当初出局小型书店一样的影响。“我指出它会带给任何负面的影响。